The EE 2001 series

This series, introduced in 1976, forms a companion series to the EE 2000 series, and the kit numbers overlap. The focus of the series is various forms of integrated circuits. It was discontinued with the introduction of the ABC series in 1983, which merged features of the EE 2000 and EE 2001 series.

Original design of the boxes (EE 2001 was packaged in a blue plasic briefcase like the original EE 2000)
Intermediate (EE 2016) and late (EE 2010 and EE 2002 GK) box design
EE 2014 EE 2015 EE 2016 EE 2017
EE 2001
EE 2010 EE 2002
EE 2013
EE 2003
The diagram shows the kits in the series; basic kits on grey background, expansions on white. White text represent kits from other series which can be combined with 2001 series kits.

The first year only the base kit EE 2013 and the expansion EE 2010 were available. The latter was not an expansion for the former, but included all parts in this not present in EE 2003, forming a bridge between the two series. In the following year, four independent thematic expansions and the large EE 2001 kit equivalent to EE 2013 and all these were added. The expansions, with their German titles, are: EE 2014 Meßgeräte-Technik (measuring), EE 2015 Digital-Technik (digital technology), EE 2016 Ultraschalltechnik (ultrasound), and EE 2017 Opto-Elektronik (optoelectronics).

Note that while EE 2003 and EE 2010 together contain everything in EE 2013, the latter kit does not contain everything in EE 2003, and can thus not be used as the basis for expansions in the main EE 2000 series. EE 2002, equivalent to EE 2003 plus EE 2010, was introduced in 1981. This kit, as well as EE 2000 and EE 2001 from this year on, was packaged in a cardboard suitcase consisting of two halves, each looking like a normal box lid, hinged together. These versions were often given a GK suffix to the kit numbers, e.g. EE 2002 GK.


All five manuals in the series have the same cover design and exist both in book and loose-leaf form. There is also some variation in the last text line on the front cover identifying which kit or kits they belong to. The one for EE 2013, which also covers EE 2010, has the three variants EE 2013, EE 2013 / EE 2010 and EE 2010 / EE2013, although the contents are the same. EE 2014 and EE 2015 always have just the kit number, whereas most copies I have seen of EE 2016 and EE 2017 adds the thematic name after the kit number, and only sporadically have the kit number alone. From my material it seems that the variation is independent of whether the manual belongs to an early or late kit as determined by the box type.

EE 2001 and EE 2002 contain leaflets with their component lists. For EE 2001 this cannot be deduced from the individual manuals, as the independent nature of the expansions it covers means that they each contain parts that is only needed once for any given construction.


I know that at least EE 2014 and 15 exist in Dutch translation, and EE 2016 in French; this implies that EE 2013/10 must do so as well. Overall, however, I have seen very few non-German copies of these kits, but that may in part be due to the kits in any case being rarer than the ones from the main series.

Tor Gjerde <>